Academic Advising

The advisory relationship is a cornerstone of your success at the Design Studies Institute. Our advising system supports students’ progress with advisors who unlock opportunities for all students to thrive academically. 
View of a library with busts of famous writers

Orientation Programming

Before students begin their first term, the Design Studies Institute offers orientation programming. Orientation is designed to familiarize new students with our academic environment, resources, and the advising system. During orientation, students have the opportunity to meet their advisors, learn about course selection processes, and gain valuable insights into making the most of their time at DSI.Eligibility: There are no eligibility restrictions; all applicants from all programs will be considered for this scholarship.

Personalized Advising

Each student is paired with an advisor who guides them through navigating the course requirements for their specific academic program. Our advisors are advising professionals or faculty members from the students’ respective fields who provide personalized advice throughout their academic journey. Students have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with their advisor to discuss their academic progress, career goals and strategies for success after graduation.

DSI is committed to identifying and supporting students who may be facing difficulties in their academic progression. Advisors make use of established mechanisms to identify students' progress at an early stage to provide necessary support to help students achieve their academic goals 

Guided Course Scheduling

Thoughtful course scheduling plays a pivotal role in enabling a smooth academic progression. Advisors help with selecting the right courses for enrollment each term. Through monitoring of student progress, each advisor works to identify the optimal course schedule that maintains academic progress towards completing program requirements.  Advisors take into consideration various factors, including the number of credits, frequency of course offerings and a student’s schedule to ensure an ideal workload.