Knowledge cannot be advanced unless faculty have freedom to teach, study, research, and communicate ideas and facts, including those that are inconvenient to authorities or political groups. Academic freedom is central to the educational and research missions of the Design Studies Institute. Academic freedom encompasses the right to share pertinent knowledge and expertise with the broader community through speech and writing, across all channels of communication. Faculty who choose to engage in public discourse have a responsibility to be precise and to exercise suitable caution,all while having regard for differing viewpoints.
Academic freedom guarantees a faculty member’s autonomy in choosing course content and materials, pedagogical methods, assignments, and evaluation criteria that are relevant to the subject matter. However, in cases where multiple faculty are teaching the same course, coordination may be necessary to ensure agreement on content and materials, syllabi, assignment, projects, and examinations, which may impose some limits. Academic freedom further encompasses the right to conduct research and formulate evidence-based conclusions. It safeguards researchers' ability to choose their methodologies, draw inferences, and assert the significance of their work. However, it does not provide immunity from criticism of their assertions.
Academic integrity entails being truthful to oneself and to the larger Design Studies Institute community, being original in thought and expression, and attributing honest ideas and words taken from other sources. Originality of thought and expression is fundamental to academic discourse, as is honest in giving credit to other thinkers when using their ideas and words.
The academic integrity principle, broadly stated, means students have done or have prepared the work or research in or out of class that bears their names and that they have given proper acknowledgement for the use of materials and sources. The policy on academic integrity has been developed to provide guidelines to determine what conduct violates the academic integrity principle and procedures for dealing with conduct alleged to be in violation of the academic integrity principle. These procedures guarantee due process to all members involved in cases of alleged violation of academic integrity and protect the rights of faculty and students involved in such cases. A matter concerning violation of academic integrity is to be considered separate and apart from instances of student misbehavior.
The following are given as examples of violations of academic integrity. Since a violation of academic integrity takes place whenever anyone undermines the academic integrity of the Design Studies Institute or attempts to take unfair advantage of others, this list is not and cannot be exhaustive. Academic integrity is not simply a matter of conforming to certain rules; it must be understood in terms of broader academic purposes of education at the Design Studies Institute.
The procedural policy on academic integrity distinguishes between an informal and formal inquiry into incidents concerning violations of academic integrity. Each stage of the academic integrity process, informal and formal, is to be conducted in strict confidentiality. A member of the faculty who discovers in a student’s work or conduct what he or she judges to be an act of academic dishonesty will deal with the matter as follows:
The Committee on Academic Integrity may select from among the penalties:
Students may not withdraw their registration from the course involved once a formal inquiry has been made. A formal inquiry must be initiated by the end of the semester following the semester in which the incident occurs.
The Design Studies Institute is committed to providing all students equal educational opportunities. The Design Studies Institute is committed to providing its students with the appropriate accommodations and resources to support equal access in each student’s academic career.
A disability includes any physical or mental impairment that considerably limits at least one major life activity. Requests for accommodations are individually considered on a case by case basis. For approval, students must disclose their disability to the Design Studies Institute, provide necessary documentation about their disability, and schedule an in-take meeting with a Design Studies Institute administrator.
Students should email to disclose their disability and share documentation of the disability. All students requesting accommodations must provide current documentation from a licensed medical professional in regards to the condition. Documentation must address a diagnosis or verification of the disability, limitations as the result of the disability, and recommendations of viable accommodations.The Design Studies Institute has the right to request supplemental documentation if it is determined that the information in the initial documentation is incomplete or inadequate, or that the qualifications of the healthcare provider or professional are in question. All documentation will be kept confidential.
Reasonable accommodations include but are not limited to:
Design Studies Institute is a community of learners that exists on the basis of shared values and principles. All Design Studies Institute community members are expected to uphold and abide by certain standards of conduct that form the basis of the Code of Conduct. The philosophy and approach to conduct is educational, focusing on learning through individual growth and personal responsibility.
For the purpose of applying the Code of Conduct, an individual is considered governed by this policy when an offer of admission has been extended. Therefore, if an individual violates the Code of Conduct before a course begins, Design Studies Institute reserves the right to apply the Code of Conduct to that behavior. If an alumni is still an active member of the community and participating in post-program programming, Design Studies Institute also reserves the right to apply the Code of Conduct to active alumni behavior. Additionally, a student who has permanently withdrawn or completed a program may still be held accountable to the Code of Conduct for behavior that occurred before the withdrawal or program completion, even if the information was not brought to the Design Studies Institute’s attention before the withdrawal or completion occurred.
The Code of Conduct may also apply to behavior that occurs online, via email, MyInstitute, Slack, Zoom, or by other electronic means. Although Design Studies Institute does not routinely search for policy violations online, if electronically shared information comes to Design Studies Institute ’s attention, that information may be evaluated as to whether it violates the Code of Conduct and/or warrants further investigation.
Visitors are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct while on property owned, leased, rented, or operated by Design Studies Institute or at Design Studies Institute -sponsored or -affiliated programs and events, both in person and online. As a Design Studies Institute student, if your activities result in violations of law, you are responsible for your actions and any consequences imposed by authorities outside of Design Studies Institute. When student behavior violates the law and the Code of Conduct simultaneously, Design Studies Institute reserves the right to invoke the conduct process independent of, and in addition to, any action by civil or governmental agencies.
Students who do not support the academic and ethical goals of Design Studies Institute for themselves and other students may be subject to sanctions and penalties, up to and including dismissal. In general, the Design Studies Institute will attempt to resolve a situation without dismissal. Verbal warnings and written warnings may precede this final and most serious of actions. Where Design Studies Institute deems the integrity, safety or well-being of students, faculty, staff, visitors, and other guests is in danger then dismissal may be applied at Design Studies Institute’s discretion at any point in the process.
The Code of Conduct articulates behaviors that are prohibited or unacceptable because they do not align with the value of respect central to our community.
Prohibited behaviors include:
In the instance of a contested grade, the student must first approach the faculty member who gave the grade and request a review and change of grade. If the faculty member agrees to change the grade, then the faculty member has the responsibility to request a change of grade in the student’s official record. If the faculty member does not agree to change the grade, then the student may submit a request for a review and change of grade by initiating a Contested Grade request to
The student’s request for the review and change of grade must be in writing and must include all supporting evidence. Evidence must be in the form of written documents, e.g., graded projects, graded examinations, etc. Neither hearsay nor remembered conversations or oral instructions can or will be construed as evidence. This requirement places a concomitant obligation on faculty members who do not return papers, examinations, or projects to keep all papers, examinations, or projects which are used as a basis for grading on file until the appeal period is past.
Students should move promptly to initiate a Contested Grade request for a review. The request must be submitted within four (4) weeks of the first day of class of the term following that in which the contested grade was given. As noted above, the student must first approach the faculty member who taught the course in question. If, by the end of the third week, the matter has not been satisfactorily settled, the student has the responsibility to bring the matter before the end of the fourth week.
When a student submits a Contested Grade request, the faculty member will be asked to submit a statement in writing explaining their decision not to change the grade. The instructor should submit all evidence pertinent to the appeal, i.e., the basis for grading in that class and their relative weights, the grades earned by the student on each base, etc. Additional information from other pertinent sources may be sought or requested.
The Dean of the Design Studies will consider the evidence submitted by both the faculty member and the student and will base their decision on that evidence. The decision of the Dean shall be final and binding on both the student and the faculty member.
Students requesting review and change of a final grade from a Fail to Withdrawal for other than academic reason, e.g., because of illness, must first submit that request, in writing and with any supporting evidence, to within one (1) week of receiving the Fail grade. The Dean will review the request and forward the request to the faculty member concerned. If the faculty member agrees to that request, the faculty member has the responsibility to request a change of grade in the student’s official record. If the faculty member who assigned the Fail is no longer a member of the faculty of the Design Studies Institute and cannot be reached for their approval after reasonable effort on the part of the Design Studies Institute, the Dean shall have the authority to make the final decision.
A continuing education unit (CEU) is the standard unit of measurement used in Design Study Institute's non-degree professional certificate programs to quantify the amount of contact hours required to achieve the student learning outcomes of a course.
One CEU unit requires 600 minutes of instructional time. Instructional time refers to periods of direct, supervised learning activities led by a qualified faculty member or teaching assistant. Instructional time can include such activities as classroom lectures, supervised studio work sessions, viewing pre-recorded videos, or participating in guided discussions.
Common Calculations for CEUs at the Design Studies Institute include:
For 2 CEUs:
For 4 CEUs:
The Design Studies Institute requires that all students who enroll in an academic program register for courses beginning with their initial term of entry and continuing each term until their academic requirements have been met. To meet the continuous enrollment requirement students must either:
A credit hour is the unit of measurement used in Design Study Institute's degree-granting academic programs to quantify the amount of instruction and supplementary assignments required to achieve the student learning outcomes of a course.
One credit hour requires at least 750 minutes of instructional time and 1500 minutes of supplementary assignments. Instructional time refers to periods of direct, supervised learning activities led by a qualified faculty member or teaching assistant. Instructional time can include such activities as classroom lectures, supervised studio work sessions, viewing pre-recorded videos, or participating in guided discussions. Supplementary assignment time encompasses educational activities that students undertake independently or with minimal supervision. Supplementary assignments can include such activities as reading assignments, writing tasks, exam preparation, research, homework, independent study, unsupervised studio work, and group projects.
Common Calculations for Credit Hours at the Design Studies Institute include:
For 1 credit hour:
For 3 credit hours:
For 6 credit hours:
Design Studies Institute strives to protect the privacy of students’ education records.
Access to student records is a protected activity. Students have the right of privacy as well as the right to review their records and correct inaccurate information. Students may only view their own records and do not have the right to view the record of other students. Only faculty and staff of the Design Studies Institute with a job-associated need or purpose will be allowed access to student records.
Students may request that their records be shared with another person or third party (i.e. parent, employer, scholarship organization) by making a request that their records be shared. Design Studies Institute reserves the right to charge a processing fee of $20 per occurrence of sending official student records to a person that is not the student or to a third party. Students who wish to access or share their records should initiate a request by contacting
This policy ensures that students and faculty with valid, approved expenses that are incurred on behalf of Design Studies Institute can seek reimbursement for these approved expenses. Expenses shall be reported, recorded, and reimbursed fairly. Expenses and reimbursement may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Purchases and other financial transactions in which an individual seeks reimbursement should be approved prior to the transaction. Receipts must be submitted to support@designstudies.institue for review and reimbursed payments will be made back to the individual within sixty (60) days of receipt submission. A memo should be attached to the receipt to justify and provide an explanation for the validity and appropriateness for the expense.
Financial transactions made on behalf of Design Studies Institute should be used appropriately and reasonably and must lie within the scope of Design Studies Institute’s policies and local regulations. Expenses must be necessary to fulfill a valid purpose on behalf of Design Studies Institute, reasonable and not excessive, and appropriate given the context of the valid purpose. Expenses that do not support Design Studies Institute’s mission, are unreasonable, or are inappropriate will not be valid for reimbursement.
The Expense & Reimbursement Policy is valid for any member of the Design Studies Institute community engaging in financial transactions that involve Design Studies Institute funds and sponsorship. This policy may not directly apply to third parties and such expenses may be subject to additional review.
All students are required to verify their identity online before enrolling at the Design Studies Institute. A copy of a current and valid government-issued photo ID must be provided. Examples of identification include a driver’s license, passport, permanent resident card, or another form of government-issued ID. Identification must be up to date, as the Design Studies Institute will not accept expired identification for verification.
Instructions for Identify Verification will be shared with applicants following admission to the Design Studies Institute. Offers of admission are contingent on successful identity verification to complete enrollment.
The Design Studies Institute is dedicated to fostering an academic environment that encourages and promotes education and discovery, which is underscored by a respect for intellectual property rights. The Institute values intellectual freedom, creativity, innovation, and collaboration as part of its vision as a stimulating and challenging academic institution. As a community of designers and creatives, individuals are entitled to the ownership of their intellectual property.
Members of the Design Studies Institute community who create work own the Intellectual Property Rights to that piece of work, whether the work was done as part of course work in the classroom or during personal time. A student, faculty, or staff project that is industry-sponsored by a company or third-party entity or receives financial support from the Design Studies Institute may be required to waive certain specified rights in accordance with the ownership ofIntellectual Property Rights.
Any work first published in Curaçao is given the same copyright protection in each of the Berne Convention member countries as per the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. The Berne Convention provides creators to control how, by whom, and on what terms their works are used. Registering for official copyright protection is necessary in Curaçao for the copyright holder to have the proof of copyright. This differs from other countries, where copyright protection may be automatic.
Any work first published in the United States of America, all copyright protectable works receive instant and automatic copyright protection at the time that they are created. Current United States of America law does not require placing a notice of copyright on the work or registering the work with the U.S. Copyright Office. The law provides some important benefits if you do use the notice or register the work, but the creator is the copyright owner even without these formalities.
The Design Studies Institute name shall not be used without permission for personal or commercial gain in relation to work or activities conducted outside of The Design Studies Institute, such as offering any products or services under the Design Studies Institute name.
Enforcement of academic and conduct standards can lead to disciplinary action being taken against a learner at the Design Studies Institute (DSI). This Disciplinary Policy ensures that all learners maintain satisfactory progress in their study programs and adhere to the institution's Code of Conduct and other relevant policies.
Evaluation of Learner Progress
At the conclusion of each academic term, the academic progress of all learners will be assessed. Satisfactory progress is essential for continued enrollment in the study program. The following situations are examples of academic reasons that may trigger disciplinary actions:
Adherence to the Code of Conduct and Other DSI Policies
In addition to maintaining academic standards, learners are required to comply with the institution’s Code of Conduct and other published DSI policies throughout their enrollment. Violations of the Code of Conduct or other institutional policies will be addressed through disciplinary procedures.
Disciplinary Actions
Depending on the severity and frequency of the violations, learners may be subject to the following disciplinary actions:
Administration of Disciplinary Procedures
The Dean or the Dean’s designee is responsible for administering disciplinary procedures. The Dean will review the case, consider the severity of the infraction, and determine the appropriate course of action. In making this determination, the Dean may consult with faculty members, staff, or other relevant parties.
Appeal Process
Learners who are subject to disciplinary action have the right to appeal the decision. The appeal process is as follows:
Record Keeping and Confidentiality
All records related to disciplinary actions and appeals will be maintained in the learner's educational record, in accordance with the institution's Educational Records Policy. These records will be accessible only to authorized personnel and may only be released under a court order or as otherwise required by law.
The Design Studies Institute allows students who must interrupt their studies for a compelling reason to be exempt from the Continuous Registration requirement through being approved for a Leave of Absence. Leave for a given semester cannot be processed at any time after the final day of classes for that semester.
Students who intend to take a Leave of Absence must submit a request in writing to detailing the reason for why the leave is requested. Students who intend to take a Medical Leave of Absence must submit appropriate medical documentation with their request.
Until students are informed that the leave has been processed, they should assume that they are registered and will be expected to fulfill their academic and/or financial responsibilities, including completing coursework. Varying percentages of tuition and fees are refunded, depending on the date when a student’s leave was requested, as outlined in the Tuition & Fee Refund Policy.
Leaves of absence have specific time restrictions based on the type of leave a student is requesting, with limits based on the cumulative time away from the academic program:
Medical Leave
Voluntary or Personal Leave
Military Leave
Students who take a leave of absence or who do not register for the semester are not considered to be active DSI students, and will not be able to fulfill requirements for their academic program while they are not registered and/or on leave. Students who have not registered for any classes by the end of the add/drop period will not be allowed to enroll that term and must file for a leave of absence or withdrawal.
Students who do not return from a leave of absence based on their specified return date will be administratively withdrawn and will need to apply for readmission to their academic program.
Leaves of absence have specific guidelines and privileges, based on the leave that is requested:
Medical Leave
When students are faced with medical or mental health concerns that may impact study habits, course attendance, or class preparation, they are urged to consider taking a medical leave of absence from their academic program. A student who must interrupt study temporarily because of physical or mental health concerns may request a Medical Leave. The medical or mental health professional who has been providing treatment to the student will, with the student's written consent, confirm in writing that a Medical Leave is warranted. Students who are hospitalized during an academic term or who miss class for more than two weeks due to health issues are advised to take a medical leave from the term in progress
Students must provide documentation from a health care provider whose specialty is appropriate to the associated condition to support their requests for medical leaves of absence during the specified time requested.
If a student does not return from a leave upon completion of the agreed upon time, they will be considered withdrawn from the program and must reapply to return. During the leave, if a student determines that they cannot return at the agreed upon date, the student may request an extension of the leave of absence. In order to be eligible for an extension, the student must provide updated documentation concerning the reason for the extension.
Voluntary or Personal Leave
A voluntary or personal leave from the University is granted to students who wish to take time away from their studies for a variety of reasons, including employment opportunities, personal or family circumstances, the desire to travel, or simply to gain perspective on their academic and career priorities.
Unless a student is granted an exception in extenuating circumstances, a student is permanently withdrawn after they exceed the maximum time period and must reapply for admission through the school’s regular admissions process.
Military Leave
Any student who is a member of a state organized militia and is called or ordered to active duty will be granted a military leave of absence for the period of active duty.
Upon return from military leave of absence, the student will be restored to the educational status attained prior to being called or ordered to such duty without loss of academic credits earned. DSI will credit any tuition or fees paid for the period of the military leave of absence to the next enrollment period. A student who does not submit a timely notification of intent or provide an attestation within the designated time limits may not be eligible for the benefits outlined herein.
The Design Studies Institute (DSI)does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, employee hiring and employment practices, admissions of students, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services.
Design Studies Institute is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of Design Studies Institute’s students, faculty, staff, and affiliates.
The Design Studies Institute recognizes that diversity, inclusion, and belonging are essential to creating a positive and thriving academic community. The Institute welcomes diversity in all forms and seeks to acknowledge and appreciate the talents of our community by encouraging the free expression of ideas, beliefs, and viewpoints for all. Fostering an inclusive community promotes intellectual curiosity, creativity, and innovation in the design discipline. The Design Studies Institute strives to create equal opportunities for all in order to support a fair and safe academic environment.
If you believe you have experienced discrimination or been witness to discrimination, report the incident via email at
In instances of reported discrimination, DSI will conduct a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation of a complaint as necessary and appropriate. DSI will make every effort to complete its investigation within forty-five (45) days of a report of retaliation and will keep the investigation confidential to the extent possible. The Dean will appoint a neutral investigator to oversee the investigation. The investigator may find it necessary to extend the time period for completing an investigation in some circumstances. The investigator will provide the complainant and the alleged wrongdoer with notice of any extension and where necessary and appropriate, give them a new timetable for completion of the investigation.
Where a complaint alleges a potential violation of the Non-Discrimination Policy, the investigation will include an interview with both parties, as well as the person who made the initial report, if different than one of the parties, and/or any other person who may have information regarding the incident, each of whom is expected to cooperate with any investigation. The investigator may also review relevant documents. Both parties will have an opportunity to be heard and present information. The investigation process is strictly internal to DSI.
The investigator will report his or her findings to both parties and relevant supervisors for faculty or staff, or academic advisors for students, as may be appropriate.
Where the investigator concludes that a violation of this Non-Discrimination Policy has occurred, DSl takes prompt and appropriate remedial action. For staff and faculty, this includes disciplinary action (but is not limited to): reprimand/verbal counseling, training, censure, removal of privileges, letters of warning or suspension, and termination. Discipline for a violation of this Policy need not be progressive, so a first violation of this Policy may warrant suspension or discharge depending on the nature and severity of the conduct. For students, disciplinary actions are outlined in the Learner Disciplinary Policy.
The Design Studies Institute (DSI) is committed to operating with integrity in compliance with applicable local laws and regulations, as well as institutional policies. The Design Studies Institute operates with high standards for ethical behavior. Behavior that does not comply applicable local laws and regulations, as well as institutional policies should be reported in good faith.
Retaliation is defined as adverse action taken against an individual for reporting policy violations in good faith. It includes threats, intimidation, harassment, and other unethical conduct to prevent or dissuade an individual from engaging in protected activity. Retaliation against those seeking guidance on ethical or compliance issues or those making a report of a policy violation is prohibited.
If you believe you have experienced retaliation or been witness to retaliation, report the incident via email at
In instances of reported retaliation, DSI will conduct a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation of a complaint as necessary and appropriate. DSI will make every effort to complete its investigation within forty-five (45) days of a report of retaliation and will keep the investigation confidential to the extent possible. The Dean will appoint a neutral investigator to oversee the investigation. The investigator may find it necessary to extend the time period for completing an investigation in some circumstances. The investigator will provide the complainant and the alleged wrongdoer with notice of any extension and where necessary and appropriate, give them a new timetable for completion of the investigation.
Where a complaint alleges a potential violation of the Non-Retaliation Policy, the investigation will include an interview with both parties, as well as the person who made the initial report, if different than one of the parties, and/or any other person who may have information regarding the incident, each of whom is expected to cooperate with any investigation. The investigator may also review relevant documents. Both parties will have an opportunity to be heard and present information. The investigation process is strictly internal to DSI.
The investigator will report his or her findings to both parties and relevant supervisors for faculty or staff, or academic advisors for students, as may be appropriate.
Where the investigator concludes that a violation of this Non-Retaliation Policy has occurred, DSl takes prompt and appropriate remedial action. For staff and faculty, this includes disciplinary action (but is not limited to): reprimand/verbal counseling, training, censure, removal of privileges, letters of warning or suspension, and termination. Discipline for a violation of this Policy need not be progressive, so a first violation of this Policy may warrant suspension or discharge depending on the nature and severity of the conduct. For students, disciplinary actions are outlined in the Learner Disciplinary Policy.
The Design Studies Institute (DSI) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic excellence and continuous improvement across all its programs and operations.
Quality assurance at DSI is a shared responsibility. Faculty deliver quality instruction and refine methods, students provide feedback, staff enhance support services, leadership fosters a quality culture, and external stakeholders offer industry insights. This collective approach integrates excellence into daily activities, ensuring comprehensive quality assurance at DSI.
This Quality Assurance Policy outlines the comprehensive approach DSI takes to ensure the quality and relevance of its academic offerings. The policy encompasses three main areas: cyclical review of study programs, systematic institutional surveying, and curriculum proposal review and approval. This policy applies to all DSI study programs, including degree and certificate programs, as well as to all faculty, staff, and students involved in these processes.
Curriculum Proposal Review
The curriculum proposal review process ensures that all program components are reviewed by appropriate parties and considered in a timely manner. This procedure applies to all curriculum changes and approvals for both graduate and certificate programs at DSI. It is based on principles of collegiality and recognition for disciplinary expertise.
The approval process varies depending on the type of curriculum change being proposed. The DSI community should consult and follow the internal “Procedure for Curriculum Proposal Review” in conforming to this quality assurance practice.
Systematic Institutional Surveying
To ensure continuous improvement and uphold academic excellence, DSI is committed to systematically gathering feedback from students, faculty, and alumni. This process involves administering surveys at key intervals to capture valuable insights from the DSI community.
The DSI community should consult and follow the internal “Procedure for Systematic Institutional Surveying” in conforming to this quality assurance practice.
Cyclical Review of Study Programs
The purpose of DSI study program reviews is to ensure students receive the highest possible quality of academic programming. These reviews are essential for maintaining academic excellence, relevance, and continuous improvement in all DSI programs. The cyclical review process assesses a comprehensive range of program elements, including previous review results and responses, program objectives and learning outcomes, program design (curriculum, delivery methods, and assessment practices), student support services, faculty and staff profiles and development, resources , student and graduate outcomes, academic administrative supports, program viability, and strategic alignment with DSI's mandate and goals.
The DSI community should consult and follow the internal “Procedure for the Cyclical Review of Study Program” in conforming to this quality assurance practice.
The Design Studies Institute is dedicated to professionalism in every aspect, including the nature of personal interactions as a community. Intimate relationships, including the forms of sexual, dating, or romantic relationships, compromise the faculty members’ judgment of students and thus are a threat to the fair basis of The Design Studies Institute’s academic mission. Intimate relationships in which there is a power imbalance can create a perception of preferential treatment and thus are prohibited. The asymmetric power differentials pertaining to intimate relationships between faculty and students are highly vulnerable to being experienced by a party as non-consensual or coercive. Faculty should be aware of the asymmetric power distribution and acknowledge the importance of protecting students from potential abuse, harassment, and exploitation.
No members of the Design Studies Institute faculty or staff, shall engage in an intimate relationship with or accept an advance from any Design Studies Institute student prior to the student’s completion of the program.
No member of the Design Studies Institute faculty or staff, shall hold academic or professional authority over any student with whom he or she has had a previous intimate relationship. Previous and current relationships with present and incoming students should be disclosed immediately.
No member of the Design Studies Institute faculty or other staff, shall hold academic or professional authority over another Design Studies Institute affiliate. Previous and current intimate relationships with present and incoming Design Studies Institute affiliates should be disclosed immediately.
Other situations in which one individual holds greater power or authority may also be a violation of DSI’s policy. Design Studies Institute community members who know of a violation in the Romantic and Kinship Policy must report what they know by emailing All reports of a violation in the Romantic and Kinship Policy will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken, including disciplinary action, as necessary.
Design Studies Institute strongly upholds its reputation of integrity and trust to maintain an academic environment free from unlawful sexual harassment and discrimination. The Design Studies Institute does not tolerate any form of sexual or gender-based misconduct.
Sexual misconduct and gender-based misconduct include sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation. Behaviors do not have a sexual nature to be considered gender-based misconduct. Harassment can include but is not limited to verbal or physical conduct, slurs, comments, jokes, rumors, unwelcome compliments or touching, written statements, or other threatening, harmful, or humiliating conduct. Sexual and gender-based misconduct can occur between individuals with an intimate or sexual relationship, as well as strangers, acquaintances, and those with close relationships, and can be committed by any gender identity, sex, or gender.
Any individual who believes that they have been sexually harassed or discriminated against can report the incident to the Design Studies Institute by email at All reports will be treated seriously with regards to dignity, privacy, and confidentiality. Faculty and staff who receive reports of sexual harassment or discrimination, should maintain the confidentiality and privacy of the received information, except in cases in which disclosure is legally required or necessary for legitimate processes, such as investigation and resolution of allegations.
All students have the right to:
In instances of reported sexual harassment, DSI will conduct a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation of a complaint as necessary and appropriate. DSI will make every effort to complete its investigation within forty-five (45) days of a report of retaliation and will keep the investigation confidential to the extent possible. The Dean will appoint a neutral investigator to oversee the investigation. The investigator may find it necessary to extend the time period for completing an investigation in some circumstances. The investigator will provide the complainant and the alleged wrongdoer with notice of any extension and where necessary and appropriate, give them a new timetable for completion of the investigation.
Where a complaint alleges a potential violation of the Sexual Harassment Policy, the investigation will include an interview with both parties, as well as the person who made the initial report, if different than one of the parties, and/or any other person who may have information regarding the incident, each of whom is expected to cooperate with any investigation. The investigator may also review relevant documents. Both parties will have an opportunity to be heard and present information. The investigation process is strictly internal to DSI.
The investigator will report his or her findings to both parties and relevant supervisors for faculty or staff, or academic advisors for students, as may be appropriate.
Where the investigator concludes that a violation of this Sexual Harassment Policy has occurred, DSl takes prompt and appropriate remedial action. For staff and faculty, this includes disciplinary action (but is not limited to): reprimand/verbal counseling, training, censure, removal of privileges, letters of warning or suspension, and termination. Discipline for a violation of this Policy need not be progressive, so a first violation of this Policy may warrant suspension or discharge depending on the nature and severity of the conduct. For students, disciplinary actions are outlined in the Learner Disciplinary Policy.
The Design Studies Institute recognizes the important role social media plays in modern communication and engagement. This policy governs the use of social media platforms in relation to DSI, applying to all official DSI social media accounts, as well as personal use of social media by DSI students, faculty, and staff when referencing DSI. The platforms covered include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and any other social media platforms DSI may utilize in the future.
All official DSI social media accounts are subject to all institute policies and official post may one be made by authorized factually or staff. DSI uses these platforms to engage with the community, share information, and foster dialogue, encouraging community participation to strengthen connections. While DSI may share third-party content or links on its platforms, it is not responsible for the content on external pages.
Users of DSI's social media platforms or those who engage with DSI's social media platforms are responsible for the content they post and should be aware that this information is publicly available. All posts should be respectful, relevant, and contribute positively to the DSI community. Strictly prohibited behaviors include harassment or bullying, hate speech or discriminatory comments, spam or commercial solicitation, sharing of confidential information, violation of copyright or intellectual property rights, and any content that violates DSI's Code of Conduct Violation of these guidelines may result in content removal, account blocking, or further disciplinary action as per DSI policies.
DSI collects and uses data from social media interactions in accordance with applicable data protection laws. By interacting with DSI's social media accounts, users consent to DSI’s collection and use of their publicly available information. Regarding copyright and intellectual property, DSI reserves the right to use, reproduce, or share content posted on or sent to its social media accounts, while respecting original authorship. Users must not post copyrighted material without permission, and DSI will remove any content that violates copyright laws upon notification.
When identifying oneself as a DSI employee or student on social media, individuals should make it clear that their views are personal and not necessarily those of DSI. Employees and students must not share confidential information about DSI, its students, or staff on social media, and students must adhere to DSI's academic integrity policies when using social media for educational purposes.
In the event of a crisis or emergency situation, only authorized personnel may post on DSI's official social media accounts. All other employees and students should refrain from speaking on behalf of DSI during such times.
By using DSI's social media platforms or representing DSI on social media, you agree to comply with this policy. The institute is committed to maintaining a positive and productive online presence that aligns with its educational mission and values.
Users can report inappropriate content or behavior on DSI's social media platforms by email to
Design Studies Institute evaluates transfer credits individually for each admitted student. Transfer credit evaluations occur only as part of the initial admission process when official copies of admission documents are submitted. Once a student has officially enrolled in a program at Design Studies Institute, no additional transfer credits will be accepted or applied to their current academic program.
External coursework may be considered for transfer credit if all of the following criteria are met:
Design Studies Institute reserves the right to make final determinations on the acceptability and applicability of transfer credits based on these criteria and any other relevant factors. Students can submit their request for transfer credit evaluation to
Once a student enrolls in a course at the Design Studies Institute, they agree to the Tuition & Fee Refund Policy. It is the responsibility of the student to understand the terms of the policy before enrolling and agreeing to make any type of payment for a course.
An official drop, approved leave of absence, or withdrawal from a class or all classes may entitle a student to a refund of tuition and fees paid or a reduction of costs incurred. It is important to note that all charges and cancellations are based upon tuition and fee commitments for the full term. The effective date of withdrawal and cancellation, if any, will be the date when a formal request in writing is filed with
If a student stops attending a class, they must drop or withdraw from the class to qualify for a refund. Simply notifying the faculty member that they will no longer attend does not constitute an official drop or withdrawal.
Students using payment plans or receiving financial aid are responsible for completing all payments if a balance exists after the cancellation of tuition and fees.
The Design Studies Institute reserves the right to cancel courses or adjust curriculum. Courses are canceled typically because of insufficient enrollment, withdrawal of the instructor, or inability to secure appropriate instructional space. If a course is canceled, students will be notified and asked whether they wish to transfer to another course or to receive a full refund of tuition and fees.
Tuition & Fee Refund Schedule
Standard Term - 8 Week Courses:
Courses With Required Residency:
Courses in Other Formats, Lengths, or Modalities:
The Design Studies Institute defines withdrawing as dropping one’s entire program of courses in any given term. Circumstances occasionally require that a student withdraw from their academic program permanently. Withdrawal from a term in progress may have serious financial and academic consequences, and thus students should make an informed decision prior to withdrawing from an in progress term. All withdrawals are noted on a student's transcript.
The effective date of withdrawal will be the date when a formal request in writing of the withdrawal is filed with Varying percentages of tuition and fees are refunded, depending on the date when a student withdraws as outlined in the Tuition & Fee Refund Policy.
It is important to read and refer to the Leave of Absence Policy if you are interested in taking a temporary leave from your studies.