Career Support

Career support and preparedness for professional design practice are central pillars of our educational approach at the Design Studies Institute. Our focus on career development will equip you with the necessary skills and connections for a successful career in the design industry following the completion of your academic program.
Student holding a book and smiling

Integrative Career Support in the Curriculum

Career support starts in the classroom at DSI. Students are able to register for courses that place career development at the center of the student experience. These courses are designed to provide students with practical insights and hands-on experiences, aligning academic work with professional aspirations.

Featured Courses

Career Management for Designers
- CAR101 -
Professional Dialogues in Design
- DIA303 -
Supervised Externship in Design
- DIA304 -

Portfolio Development

Throughout coursework at the Design Studies Institute, students will develop a robust body of work suitable for presentation in a professional portfolio. Students have the chance to co-create projects with a faculty member and other students as part of their academic program. These collaborative experiences not only enrich students' portfolios but also cultivate essential teamwork and communication skills highly valued in the design industry

Alumni Career Network

Upon graduation, alumni of all academic programs can join the DSI Career Network. The DSI Career Network empowers alumni to navigate agile, purpose-driven, meaningful careers in the design industry. The network offers individualized career coaching, portfolio development, personal branding and helps with salary negotiations.